The Minimum Fundable Company ® Test

What People are Saying about the MFC Test

"If you’re a startup founder looking to raise some money for your company, there’s a new test available that may help you gauge your chances of landing an investment."
GeekWire Story: For founders: This survey will test how ‘fundable’ your startup is


“The MFC Test is a must have tool for today’s entrepreneurs, it shows them where to concentrate their efforts for a successful round of funding”.
-- Eli Moreno, Angel Investor, Founder of SURGE Accelerator, Tacoma WA


“I love it. Simple, good info, valuable perspectives.”
-- Janis Machala, Startup Advisor, Paladin Partners


"The MFC Test developed by Bryan Brewer provides entrepreneurs with a very effective way to quickly assess their readiness to raise capital from outside investors. This is a great decision making tool to understand where you need to be as a company in advance to be viable for outside funding."
-- Nathan McDonald, Chairman Keiretsu Forum Northwest, CEO Keiretsu Capital


“Great job. I think people will like it.”
-- May McCarthy, Angel Investor, Bizzults, LLC


"The MFC Test was instrumental in helping us become successful. It really pinpointed where the gaps in the company were, and what we needed to change.”
-- Jordan Schindler, CEO & Founder at Nufabrx


"It is difficult for entrepreneurial teams to judge their own progress. The MFC Test tells a company when they are ready to start approaching investors. I highly recommend the MFC Test as an important contributor to your equity funding objective.”
-- Michael J. Franz, Certified Business Advisor
    Washington Small Business Development Center


Published: 2022-01-04T20:46:00-08:00